أم علي
Um Ali
تعتبر "أم علي" من ألذ الحلويات المصريه. و تلك طريقه سهله لعمل " أم علي" .
5 اطباق فويل - طبقة واحدة من ورق الجلااش - كيلو لبن - كوب من القشدة -
ثلااث ملاعق سمنة - نصف كوب سكر .
نقطع الجلاش قطع صغيرة ثم نضع السمنة فى القدر ثم نضيف قطع الجلاش الى السمنة
الى ان يصبح لونها اصفر نرفعها من على النار ثم نقسمها على الاطباق
نقلب السكر على اللبن ثم نضيفة على الاطباق الى ان تمتلىء
ثم نضيف القشدة فوق الاطباق و نضعها فى الفرن لمدة نصف ساعة
و عندما تخرج من الفرن تكون طرية بعض الشىء و بالهنا.
Um Ali
Egyptian cuisine popular. Egyptian cuisine popular.
Considered "Um Ali" of the tastiest desserts Egypt. And that is just as easy to do, "Um Ali".
5 foil dishes - one layer of paper Algelaash - kilo milk - one cup of cream -
Sex Exposure tablespoons Ghee - half cup sugar.
Algelash cut small pieces and then put obesity into the pot and then add pieces to the obesity Algelash
To become the color of yellow we will submit to the fire and then the dishes
Turn the sugar to the milk and then we might add to the dishes that are full of
Then add the cream over the dishes and put them in the oven for half an hour
And when he graduated from the oven soft and somewhat felicitously .
Egyptian cuisine popular. Egyptian cuisine popular.
Considered "Um Ali" of the tastiest desserts Egypt. And that is just as easy to do, "Um Ali".
5 foil dishes - one layer of paper Algelaash - kilo milk - one cup of cream -
Sex Exposure tablespoons Ghee - half cup sugar.
Algelash cut small pieces and then put obesity into the pot and then add pieces to the obesity Algelash
To become the color of yellow we will submit to the fire and then the dishes
Turn the sugar to the milk and then we might add to the dishes that are full of
Then add the cream over the dishes and put them in the oven for half an hour
And when he graduated from the oven soft and somewhat felicitously .
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