المحشي المصري
Egyptian stuffed
المكونات والمقادير:-
1ك باذنجان ابيض -
1ك فلفل رومى -
1ك كوسة -
ورق عنب -
كيلو ونصف أرز -
شبت- وبقدونس - وكسبرة خضراء -
6 بصلات - 5 اكواب عصير طماطم -
ربع كوب زيت صغير - 2 ملعقة زبد كبيرة -
ملح - فلفل اسمر - شطة - نعناع - بهارات -
شوربة للتسوية ( فراخ - أو بط _ او ديك ) .
طريقة التحضير:-
ضعى الزيت فى أناء عميق على النار ثم ضعى الزبد حتى يسخن الخليط ثم ضعى البصل مقطع قطع صغيرة جدا أو مفروم مع التقليب حتى يذبل ثم ضعى عصير الطماطم وبعض الملح والفلفل واتركيه على النار حتى يصبح صلصة سميكة وارفعيه من على النار وضيفى اليه الارز ثم جميع التوابل المذكورة والشبت والبقدونس والكسبرة مقطعة قطع صغيرة وأخلطيه جيدا يمكن اضافة اللحم المفروم حسب الطلب ثم قومى بحشو كل من الخضروات السابقة وضعيها حنبا الى جنب فى اناء واسع وعميق ثم ضعى الشوربة بعد اضافة بعض الملح والفلفل اليها الشوربة تكاد تغطى الخضار وضعيه على النار وعند ملاحظة عدم وجود الشوربة يوضع على نار هادئة جدا ويقدم مع الدجاج المحمر وبالف هنا
Ingredients and amounts: -
1 as a white eggplant -
1 KB pepper turkey -
1 kg zucchini -
Grape -
And a half kilograms of rice -
Broke - and parsley - and a green coriander-
6 links - 5 cups tomato juice -
A small cup oil - 2 tablespoons butter large -
Salt - pepper Brown - activities - Mint - Spices -
Soup of the settlement (chicken - or duck, or you have a _).
How to prepare: -
Put oil in a pot deep on the fire Then apply butter until heated mixture is then Put onion chopped very small or minced, stirring until tender Then apply tomato juice and some salt and pepper and cook on the fire until the sauce thick and lift him out of the fire and Devy him rice and then all the spices mentioned and the dill, parsley, coriander chopped small pieces and mix it well can add minced meat according to the request and then a national stuffing of vegetables earlier and put them side by side in pot broad and deep and then Put the soup after adding some salt and pepper to it soup barely cover vegetables and put it on fire and when you note the absence of soup is placed on very low heat and serve with roasted chicken and a thousand here
1 as a white eggplant -
1 KB pepper turkey -
1 kg zucchini -
Grape -
And a half kilograms of rice -
Broke - and parsley - and a green coriander-
6 links - 5 cups tomato juice -
A small cup oil - 2 tablespoons butter large -
Salt - pepper Brown - activities - Mint - Spices -
Soup of the settlement (chicken - or duck, or you have a _).
How to prepare: -
Put oil in a pot deep on the fire Then apply butter until heated mixture is then Put onion chopped very small or minced, stirring until tender Then apply tomato juice and some salt and pepper and cook on the fire until the sauce thick and lift him out of the fire and Devy him rice and then all the spices mentioned and the dill, parsley, coriander chopped small pieces and mix it well can add minced meat according to the request and then a national stuffing of vegetables earlier and put them side by side in pot broad and deep and then Put the soup after adding some salt and pepper to it soup barely cover vegetables and put it on fire and when you note the absence of soup is placed on very low heat and serve with roasted chicken and a thousand here
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