الكشرى المصرى
Egyptian Koshary
المقادير :-
مكرونه صغيره مسلوقه
ارز ابيض
حلقات بصل
ملعقه دقيق
صلصه صماطم
عدس بجبه او اصفر
تخلط حلقات البصل بقليل من الدقيق ثم تحمر فى الزيت
وتصفى وترفع على ورق ماص
يوخذ الزيت المتخلف من تحمير البصل ويؤخذ منه جزء ويحمر
فيها قليل من الشعريه ثم نضيف الارز ونسقيه بالمرق ونتركه لينضج
نسلق المكرونه ونصفيها من الماء ونضع عليها ملعه زيت
من زيت البصل مع نصف ملعقه من الفلفل الحار المطحون
نسلق العدس فى الماء المضاف اليه القليل من الثوم المدقوق
ويمكن ان نسلق حمص شامى ايضا لعمل الصلصه
ناخود مقدار من الزيت المتخلف من تحمير البصل ونحمر
فيه الثوم ونضيف معه التوابل الفلفل الاسود والكمون والبهارات
والفلفل الحلو ملعقه كبيرهثم نضع صلصه الطماطم ونتركها لتتسبك
لعمل صلصه الخل نحمر قليل من الثوم ونضع معه كزبره ناشفه
والقليل من الخل
طريقه التقديم نضع المكرونه ثم الارز والعدس والحمص ثم
صلصه الطماطم وحلقات البصل المقرمشه
Small pasta boiled
White rice
Onion Rings
Tablespoon flour
tomato sauce
Bjbh or yellow lentils
Mix onion rings a little flour and then fry in oil
And Drain and remove the absorbent paper
Be taken residual oil from the onions and reddening taken from part brown
A few of the poetic and then add the rice and systemic Palmriq and leave to simmer
Boil Filter and pasta from the water and put the oil Mala
Of oil with the onion half teaspoon of ground chili peppers
boil lentils in water with added a little garlic Almedkouk
It can be boil Homs Shami also sauce for the work
we take amount of residual oil from the frying onions and Fry
Add the garlic and spices with black pepper, cumin and spices
Tablespoon paprika big and put tomato sauce and leave to Tzbk
For the work of the vinegar sauce fry little garlic and put him dry coriander
And a little vinegar
Way of submission and then put the pasta and rice, lentils and chickpeas, then
Tomato sauce and crispy onion rings
Small pasta boiled
White rice
Onion Rings
Tablespoon flour
tomato sauce
Bjbh or yellow lentils
Mix onion rings a little flour and then fry in oil
And Drain and remove the absorbent paper
Be taken residual oil from the onions and reddening taken from part brown
A few of the poetic and then add the rice and systemic Palmriq and leave to simmer
Boil Filter and pasta from the water and put the oil Mala
Of oil with the onion half teaspoon of ground chili peppers
boil lentils in water with added a little garlic Almedkouk
It can be boil Homs Shami also sauce for the work
we take amount of residual oil from the frying onions and Fry
Add the garlic and spices with black pepper, cumin and spices
Tablespoon paprika big and put tomato sauce and leave to Tzbk
For the work of the vinegar sauce fry little garlic and put him dry coriander
And a little vinegar
Way of submission and then put the pasta and rice, lentils and chickpeas, then
Tomato sauce and crispy onion rings
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